
Our Ethos

We bring together Occupational Psychology with relevant theory to create training which is meaningful, and that results in behavioural change.

We understand that changing the way we behave is more than just learning the theory. Everyone’s learning journey is different, and we all learn in different ways, requiring different material. Not only that, but applying what we have been taught needs to be considered, practised and reflected upon to really bring about a change that is relevant to us and our surroundings.


We do this in a variety of ways, but a blended approach of coaching with teaching is tantamount to success. We also help people consider their mindset, and what might be helping them, or derailing them, in achieving success.

What do we provide?

Whatever challenge you may have, we create a solution from our 4C’s philosophy:

CORE | Really understand yourself before you can influence others

CULTURE | Understand how the culture of your organisation is critical to success and what you can do about it

COMPASSION | Learn how you can deal with people with empathy and pave the way to an authentic achieving environment

COLLABORATION | Optimise your skills to work with others and help create leverage from teams

Each of the 4C’s is made up of modules of Leadership Skills training. Select from those modules to create your own training, or let us put together a programme to meet your needs, for example:

  • a Leadership Programme for Senior Leaders;

  • leaders without direct reports;

  • a Management Programme for new managers, supplemented with some Management 101 modules;

  • individual modules delivered over lunchtime for some Power Skills training.

Find out more from each of our delivery solutions:

Who are we?

All of our trainers are experienced in a corporate setting. We are compassionate and experienced facilitators, to effectively deliver learning. We are passionate about what we do. Meet the team.

The ProAction HR Team are all:

  • ProAction HR are Commercially Minded

    Commercially Minded

    Not tea and sympathy – we support good people but not at the expense of the commercial needs of your business.

  • ProAction HR are Strategic


    We’re not here just to save costs. We’re here to plan & act to make sure your organisation & your people are future-fit.

  • ProAction HR are  Driven by Results

    Driven by Results

    We don’t hang about. We know you want something to change within your business and we help you do it properly.

  • ProAction HR are  People Focused

    People Focused

    We treat each individual with respect and make sure they have the tools and skills to take their best next steps to develop.

4C’s - Developing Leaders

Why Develop Leaders?

Organisations need to stay ahead, adapting what is supplied and how it is delivered to meet the needs of the consumer and staying ahead of competition. This can only be achieved through motivated leaders questioning, instigating, and inspiring others to deliver. So you need to support, equip and grow your talent so they will enable your organisation to grow.


Using our 4C’s methodology - Core | Culture | Compassion | Collaboration - to build a thriving organisation, driven by effective leaders.

Stretching and provoking your talent with tools, unique methods and reflective learning, so they feel confident to step up and go beyond. We use a number of techniques so everyone learns at a level relevant to their experience and leadership journey.

  • 1 = Core

    A firm foundation of self-awareness & emotional intelligence.

  • 2 = Culture

    What culture do you create to enable a safe, agile and growing organisation?

  • 3 = Compassion

    Use compassion to unlock obstacles that inhibit us all from being our best.

  • 4 = Collaboration

    Develop knowledge and insights into working with others to achieve leverage.

  • Thriving

    4C’s come together to create a thriving organisation.

Who is it for?

Leadership qualities are the same, irrelevant of position, role, age, managing a team, or not managing a team. Our programme content is positioned to challenge and stretch the audience, and is tailored accordingly, whether senior leaders, managers or newly identified talent.

Tailored content

Content is tailored to the needs of the organisation. A full Leadership Programme is available, or we can work with you to select the modules that are required to meet the needs of your people.

Leadership Programmes can be branded to create your own Management Academy.

Support for behavioural change

Any effective leader will continually reflect on their behaviour, style and learning needs.

We understand that behavioural change does not happen without the investment of time and support.

We have a collaborative approach in how this is achieved.

Delivered in a timely manner

Training can be delivered as full day, or half day sessions.

We utilise a mix of channels – online and face-to-face – to deliver effective learning experiences.

A Leadership Programme can be delivered over weeks, or spaced over a longer duration.